Looking Up – 191420


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“Looking Up – 191420” is an original acrylic on canvas work by celebrated artist Maya Eventov, inviting the viewer to gaze upward through a stand of birch trees into the infinite expanse above. Eventov’s dynamic use of the palette knife creates a rich tapestry of texture, from the rough, tactile bark of the birches to the delicate, fluttering leaves and the dappled sky beyond.

The perspective of the painting is such that the trees reach skyward, their white and black trunks streaked with markings that draw the eye up to the foliage canopy. The leaves are a kaleidoscope of colors, with splashes of yellow, orange, and white set against a background of cool blues and purples, conveying the canopy’s lively dance in the breeze. This juxtaposition of warm and cool tones gives the painting a vibrant contrast, reminiscent of the interplay between light and shadow on a bright, sunny day.

Eventov’s “Looking Up – 191420” captures the serene beauty of a moment spent in nature, encouraging contemplation and a connection with the environment. It is a celebration of natural patterns and colors, a feast for the senses that highlights the beauty of the simple act of looking up. This piece would bring a sense of peace and natural splendor to any space, reminding us of the timeless beauty found in the world around us.

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